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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

This FAQ is dedicated for questions related to funding. If you would like to post a project and have queries about, please click on FAQ under "Post a Project".

  • › What is Ecofund?

    Ecofund is a nonprofit association based in Germany.

    Ecofund offers the opportunity to preserve our ecosystems in a simple, transparent and concrete manner.

    Our focus is ecology, the protection, regeneration and sustainable management of our eco-system.

    Ecofund is demand driven.

    Ecofund is not about aid, it’s about your investment in our future ecosystem.

  • › How is Ecofund different from other initiatives?

    Ecofund is NOT a peer-to-peer funding web platform.

    All projects has have been thoroughly evaluated by Ecofund and will be co-implemented by our local project partners and by Ecofund’s team which combines both extensive grass roots experience in the project countries and professional expertise in project design, management and evaluation.

    Moreover, projects are backed by a recognized local organization or individual with professional knowhow and track record of management of ecoprojects.

  • › Why should I Ecofund?

    Ecofund gives you a unique experience: the opportunity to preserve our ecosystems in a simple, transparent and concrete manner.

    Moreover, Ecofund gives you the opportunity to create new relationships with likeminded green friends around the globe; better understand the environmental challenges impacting each local context; meaningful cultural exchange and fruitful dialogue for OUR ecosystems.

    We believe that it’s far less costly and more direct for you to preserve our ecosystem through your support to small locally run projects than restore an already damaged ecosystem through very expensive programs funded through your passive tax contribution.

  • › Can I trust Ecofund?

    Transparency is central to Ecofund and the way it is set up.

    Your donation goes through an independent secured online payment system.

    Local ecopartners are professionally and morally recognized organizations or individuals who guarantee the credibility of the champion and ensure follow up of the ecoproject in the field.

    Thanks to our web site, on “Funded projects” you can monitor the progress of ecoprojects implementation and their results.

  • › How do I register with Ecofund?

    Registering with Ecofund is free and easy. Just click “Register” on the bottom of the web site, then:
    - fill in your first and your last name,
    - fill in your email address,
    - tick the icon that you accept Ecofund’s terms & conditions
    - tick the icon, if you want to receive Ecofund’s news on project updates
    - tick the “Register now” button ant that’s it.

    We will send you an email to ensure that it’s you who entered the email address. All you need is to accept the email by clicking on the link.

    Once registered, you will receive Ecofund’s news and have access to comment on Ecoblog posts.

  • › How do you select the ecoprojects ?

    Projects are identified and evaluated by Ecofund’s team against our selection criteria, see Guidelines. Selected projects, called ecoprojects, are then published on our web platform.

  • › What does “deadline” mean?

    For the benefit of our ecosystems, we want all our ecoprojects to succeed. Thus, we will give each project enough time to raise the requested funds.

    However, we do not want an ecoproject to collect funds for years. Therefore, for each project individually we fix a deadline, i.e. maximum time for publication and fund raising on Ecofund’s web site. Ecoproject deadlines may be prolonged by Ecofund.

  • › What happens with my donation if the ecoproject doesn’t collect 100% of its requested funding or will not more be feasible?

    We consider an ecoproject as the smallest compact module of items and actions needed to generate concrete and tangible results impacting positively our ecosystem. If all collected donations don’t meet project’s funding request within its deadline, project – as submitted - will not be able to produce the envisaged results. In other words, it will simply not be feasible.

    There may also be other reasons, such e.g. political or natural disaster, which may lead us to cancel a project.

    When you donate to Ecofund, we consider you like our initiative, and thus like and support all featured projects with a preference for a specific one.

    If your preferred project is not feasible, Ecofund will use your donation according to our terms & conditions, to finance other of our featured projects.

  • › What are ecoproject transaction costs?

    Ecoproject target amount - as featured on the Website – includes the costs of all items and actions needed to successfully implement the ecoproject.

    Furthermore, they include transaction costs related directly to the Ecoproject such as, but not limited to, communication, online payment fees and bank transfer costs.

    Consequently, you agree that up to 15% of your donated funds serve to cover Ecoproject’s transaction costs as described above.

  • › How does Ecofund finance its management and development costs?

    Ecofund’s management and development costs include costs of maintenance and further development of Ecofund’s web platform. Furthermore, they also include costs for external services and costs for communication and administration.

    Ecofund’s management and development costs are met by the benevolent work of the Ecofund team, financial contribution of associates, voluntary donations, and sponsors.

    We would therefore appreciate your donations to Ecofund !

  • › Is my donation tax deductible?

    Ecofund is a nonprofit tax exempted Association based in Germany. Donations to Ecofund are therefore tax exempted for German donors.

    The Donation receipt will be issued only for donations exceeding EUR 200 and after Ecofund’s bank or PayPal account has been credited.

    Donation receipts will be issued retrospectively at the end of each calendar year.

    Ecofund does not guarantee the applicability of tax privilege of the Donation.

  • › How can I contribute to the Ecoblog?

    We invite you to contribute to our Ecoblog by registering with Ecofund and sending us your comment or article by email. We hope that you understand that we reserve the rights to select articles and comments posted.

  • › Are my personal data on Ecofund confident and secure?

    Please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Ecofund Jargon

Champion : the local person or association who owns the project, i.e. the one who initiated and will implement it together with Ecofund. Determined, dynamic, and entrepreneur, for us they are true champions!

Ecoproject : a thoroughly researched and selected project which will produce a positive impact on our ecosystem. Ecoprojects are classified in categories.

Ecopartner : an organization or individual(s) who are backing the ecoproject. They monitor the project for Ecofund and build a partnership with the champion. Ecopartners are recognized for their professional knowhow and track record of management of ecoprojects.