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Project update on Casamance Ecoparc

Posted 15.05.2020 by Team Ecofund - View comments

In these times of a general quarantine to protect ourselves from the Corona virus, our thoughts are with you: we hope you are in a very good health!

This unprecedented situation may remind us that our happiness depends only on few things like going for a walk and contemplating the beauty of our nature… We suddenly realize how central nature is for our wellbeing. However, its evolution depends highly on our behaviour.

Therefore, we seize the opportunity to give you news about the "Casamance Ecoparc” project.

In order to respond to an increasing number of Anglophone visitors, we added an English version to the 32 French information panels about the forest’s fauna and flora situated alongside the two ecological trails. The panels provide scientific, environmental and traditional information on the species found in the Ecopark, which helps to better understand their usefulness and the importance of protecting them. This information in English helps to broaden the public awareness of the virtues of the Ecopark, especially of neighboring schools in Gambia.

Furthermore, a new big information panel was placed at the entry to the Ecoparc to inform the public of this important green lung and its treasures still preserved - thanks to the engagement of Moise, Augustin, and Jean Michel and thanks to your contribution as well as of our corporate partner Eiffage who has financed 50% of the project costs.

This 3rd phase of the Casamance Ecoparc project, called "Let's go Ecoparc", has been a continuity of our efforts during the last nine years together with Augustin and his association APES to preserve the 32 hectares of the Ecoparc endemic littoral forest in the south of Senegal, next to his village of Diembereng in Casamance, see our funded ecoprojects Casamance Ecoparc >>>.

Today, both French- and English-speaking visitors to the Ecoparc can find information about the fauna and flora and thus help to preserve the Casamance Ecoparc, one of the last green lungs in southern Senegal.

We hope that this period of quarantine will not last too long and that we can meet at the end of the year with our partner Eiffage, to appreciate the renovation of the ecological trails in the Ecoparc. In the meantime, congratulations to all, thank you for your donations and your energy.

Our financial contribution has come to its end. Its fundraising campaign on our web platform has therefore been terminated. However, like for all Ecofund supported projects, the project Champions are part of our Ecofund community. We keep regular contact with them and will soon revisit the projects.
