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Plant your tree in Tizi n'Oucheg!

Posted 26.10.2019 by Team Ecofund - View comments

Several Ecofund members and contributors have visited the Tizi N’Oucheg village, and together with villagers, followed up on the tree plantation project.

This unforgettable multicultural (German-French-Portuguese-Spanish-Moroccan) adventure started at Rachid’s hostel. Rachid and Driss (Rachid’s cousin), took us on a “discovery” walk through the tree plantations, as well as through several other socio-economic projects carried out by the villagers’ association: water irrigation system, primary school, etc.

As we were walking along mountain trails through the valley, we saw that many of the planted seedlings have grown considerably! Driss, who is in charge of the follow-up on the tree plantations, explained to us the choice of location for the tree plantations: the carob trees on less irrigated ground, the walnut trees on the valley floor, which need more irrigated ground, and the almond trees on the terraces, which can withstand drought conditions.

Since the beginning of the “Plant your tree in Tizi n’Oucheg” project, 240 almond, 30 walnut and 740 cherry trees have been planted thanks to the support of Ecofund.

Unfortunately, the drought season between May and August has killed some of the planted seedlings. These will be replaced during the coming tree planting season from November onwards.

Rachid explained to us the way how the 600 villagers share the water stored in the retention dams. The small dams are called “loutfia” in Amazigh and store water from the mountain springs and rain fall. The level of water can reach up to 128 “fingers”. Each day, the water distribution for a family is done by finger counting measurement in a very fair and transparent manner.

In order to deal with future droughts, the villagers decided to enlarge the existing “loutfia” to gather 600 m3 of rain and mountain spring water in order to double the capacity of the retention dams.

In the video interview Driss’ message is clear: Tizi n’Oucheg is developing well, but it needs your further support to reach the project’s objective of 4400 trees.

Rachid, Driss and all villagers would like to take the opportunity to thank all donors for their contributions and, in particular, the German association Nangu Thina e.V. in Bonn for its generous donation of 1500 Euros. A big Thank YOU!

Furthermore, our friends in Rabat, Nicola (chef cook), Caroline and their three children, have organized a charity dinner to promote, among others, the “Plant your tree in Tizi n’Oucheg” project. They know the Tizi n’Oucheg village very well and greatly value the villagers’ work. Thanks to their charity dinner, an additional 500 Euros have been collected for the tree project. A big Thank YOU!

Indeed, a charity dinner is a very good example of how every one of us can mobilize his or her friends to contribute to the project by enjoying the event, even when you’re not a star chef.

The daily news on climate change is calling on all of us for action. Ecofund offers you the opportunity to play your part and to preserve our ecosystems in a simple, transparent and concrete manner.

Enjoy your dinner with friends or organize another fundraising event and plant your tree in Tizi n’Oucheg!

So, what are you waiting for?! Compensate for your Carbon footprint by planting trees in Tizi n’Oucheg and spreading the good news!
