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News from Mauritania, Spoonbills of Nair

Posted 13.03.2014 by Salla Ba - View comments

Thanks to the financial support from our Ecofund Community, from our ecopartner la FIBA and from the Bank Société Générale de Mauritanie (SGM), the youth association of Iwik and the Association des Amis du Banc d’Arguin (AABA, Association of the Friends of Banc d’Arguin) were able to pursuit last weekend their conservation work on the island of Nair.

Remember, in recent years, the sea has been gaining ground on the Mauritanien coast in gerneral and on the island of Nair In the Parc National du Banc d’Arguin in Mauritania (PNBA) in particular, and progressively flooding nests. The island of Nair is one of the major sites for the nesting of the subspecies of the Spoonbills of Banc d’Arguin. The island of Nair is also an important reproduction site for other species of waterbirds and a refuge of the high tide for millions of migratory shorebirds. To stop this tendency, the Association of Friends of the Banc d’Arguin welcomed regulary reinforces the dunes with sand barriers.

The innovative thing this time: a group of 8 young Mauritanian bankers from the SGM in Nouakchott participated in the field work. Together with 12 members of the AABA and 2 volunteers from FIBA, the bankers were placing 400 sandbags, in order to restore the dunes of the island of Nair, which are important nesting sites of the Eurasian Spoonbill subspecies (Platalea leucorodia balsaci). The nesting period is about to start. The support and the conservation work came on time. We are confident that our work will contribute to the reproduction of the Spoonbills.

Enjoy the photos of our champions, Sidiy Ely (AABA's President), Salla and Antonio (FIBA), youth association from Iwik and AABA, and our bankers from SGM.
